What is a Conversation Prism? A conversation prism is a graphic online chart of conversations between users which populate online communities and networks connected by a multitude of social media mediums and applications. It was developed by Jesse Thomas.
Why is a “Conversation Prism” so important to future revenues?
Whether you are in sales, business development, marketing, public relations, advertising, customer service or product development, these revenue producing departments are very important to analyze and interpret what is going on in our new economy. What are these key decision makers doing in our new economy? How are these influencers and decision makers actively participating in online conversations? What sort of information are they sharing? These questions must be analyzed, evaluated and implemented by key decision makers in order to thrive in the future.
If you are struggling with stale or declining revenues while at the same time increasing your sales and marketing efforts you might be stuck in an archaic cycle of generating new business and ignoring many technologies available which can help you leverage your efforts.
Here are some questions you should ask yourself as a key decision maker:
What elements of the conversion prism are you currently utilizing?
How are you using them?
Do you have a strategy or plan for using them?
Are you using multiple parts of the conversion prism?
If you are using them how well are you using these elements of the conversion wheel?
Are you truly listening to your customers, patients or clients needs?
As a key decision maker of your business, start with the center of the prism by observing, listening and actively using many different social media mediums. You will notice that there is a tremendous amount of intelligence at your finger tips allowing you to make sound decisions which will aid in increasing revenue.
Below are some excellent references:
The Essential Guide To Social Media
Social Media Manifesto
Social Map
The New Communication Theory & New Roles for the New World of Marketing
The Art of Conversation – It’s About Listening
The conversation prism map is colorful, alive and an excellent snap shot of how social media will evolve. This includes how services and conversation channels link together and dissipate.
Conversations and business communication by decision makers are taking place around the globe at an alarming pace which is faster than any other revolution in world history.
As a key decision maker increasing revenue is of top importance for your business. It is time to adapt, plan, prepare, and execute your strategy to become more competitive in a rapidly changing environment to build a strong brand and increase profits.
Four tips in developing a strategy:
Adapt to how people are communicating and using social media
Develop your strategy and plan around your future goals
Prepare to invest a lot of time in learning and analyzing how these tools and technologies can help you leverage your future revenues
Execute your strategy by listening to your clients, patients and customers