What is a growth executive? In our bold new world of pixels, WordPress, permalinks and meta. You can discover innovations, definitions and acronyms that create new meaning. In fact if you listen closely they may resemble the wi/fi and colorful aroma at your local coffee shop. There is no doubt our digital world is creating a new frontier with doors that open to abundance.
In our rear view mirror, revenue growth relied on a sales and marketing team that put together the strategy to sell a product or service in the effort to create growth for a broad audience. The end result was pushing a product or service to a broad audience where you are unable to track the results.
Typically a sales teams only care about the next sale, where the marketing team is concerned about longer term brand awareness and keeping the vision & mission in check. Teaching our inside sales representatives to think longer term we can create unique opportunities.
New technologies have created digital communities where personal branding and consumer behavior have evolved into giving tremendous value to the influencers of your brand. Remember there are humans behind each data point (node) giving people more power to express their opinions. This has opened up opportunities for new growth by connecting to different (edges). A growth executive has combined roles and responsibilities. For example:
A growth executive is a combination of digital strategist, inside salesperson, community manager, data analyst and marketing executive. Remember:
“The best inside sales people build relationships, think like a marketer and analyze their data” ~ pBs
Five tips from a growth executive:
- Build strong digital communities creating social influence with your influencers – Give them the gift of sharing their content & stories – Engage digitally with your influencers
- Be more concerned about building relationships than getting a short term sale
- Think like a marketer creating long term brand awareness focusing on the human element of the brand – Great book “There is no more B2B or B2C: It’s Human to Human, #H2H” by Bryan Kramer
- Timing is everything in business – If timing is off right now – Ask them when do they make these decisions and to be involved with their business & marketing process
- You will need to be persistent and have at least (5-8) different touch points with the decision maker or influencer – For example, email, phone, mobile phone, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and other forms of social media like Snapchat – One of the most important secrets that leads to growth is persistence & grit
It is important that we recognize that our environment has changed where businesses & people now rely on influencers in their digital communities to purchase a product or service and it is at their fingertips with their mobile device.
We live in an age where there are many channels to market and sell your services. Find the channel where the decision makers and influencers communicate best and connect, engage, share and grow by fine tuning your skills and becoming more efficient by perfecting the process.
If your mission is to have your clients (partners) become advocates and share your work, create a positive client experience as says, Jacques Spitzer Founder Raindrop Marketing
A growth executive needs to focus and think like a marketer yet close like a salesman.
“A brand is what a business/person does; a reputation is what people remember and share” ~ Ted Rubin
As a Growth Executive with Raindrop Marketing it is both an honor and privilege to serve the needs of a brand where the essence is trust in partnership. Raindrop Marketing works with high achievers and get things done right. Their clients become explorers and Raindrop Marketing becomes their trusted guide.
“When it rains growth, its not just about the end results, it’s about a positive client experience” ~ Jacques Spitzer Adam Wagner & Paul Bradley Smith – Raindrop Marketing
The Secret Behind Raindrop Marketing’s Success from Raindrop Marketing on Vimeo.